Payroll Packages Customer Rewards Program 
Payroll administration can be extremely time-consuming. Fast changing tax laws and
widely varying company needs make payroll one of the most difficult and potentially costly
business applications. Making mistakes in payroll costs your business money so outsource
this process to experts so that you can stay focused on your business.
VISION HR Payroll Essentials
VHR processes payroll checks, payroll taxes, payroll tax filings, offers direct deposit, issues W-2’s and handles garnished wages. VHR’s software provides the efficiency of online enrollments. Add “Pay As You Go” Workers’ Comp, customized benefits and/or you can choose VHR’s online HR Support Center.
VISION HR Payroll Essentials Plus HR
Includes VHR’s Payroll Essentials along with prompt access to VHR’s in house experts who get to know you and your business for a Face to Face personalized delivery of HR guidance.
VISION HR PEO (License # GL222)
All of VHR’s Payroll Essentials under a “Co-Employment” relationship including the personalized in house HR expertise.
Labor Management & Time Keeping Services
Vision HR offers advanced payroll processing services to take the burden of paperwork
and filing off businesses. We use technology to manage payroll information easily
accessible to both employers and employees. Whether you need a web based time keeping
system, time clock hardware, or a complete time keeping software system, Vision HR can
streamline your solution to keep you productive and focused on your business.
Vision HR’s Labor Management & Time Keeping Services