Preventing Ebola in the Workplace, what employers need to know.
Preventing Ebola in the Workplace is something each employer needs to know. Now that Ebola has reached the United States and conditions are not improving internationally, the awareness and prevention of spreading this disease is very important. Employers not only need to know the steps of preventing Ebola in the workplace, but how to recognize Ebola in the workplace. Educating managers and employees on Ebola is the best way to understand the risks, how to identify and prevent the disease from entering your workplace.
Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is a severe illness in humans. Without proper treatment it is fatal 70% of the time.
Symptoms are:
- Fever
- Intense weakness
- Muscle pain
- Headache
- Sore throat
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Rash
- Impaired kidney & liver function
- Internal and external bleeding
Incubation period:
The period of incubation can vary from 2 to 21 days. Patients are not contagious during the incubation period but are contagious after the symptoms surface. There is no specific treatment for the disease. Patients must be managed in isolation facilities to prevent the spread of the infection.
Transmission of disease:
Ebola is transferred through blood and bodily fluids of infected persons. Additionally, from indirect contact by having broken skin or mucous membranes come in contact with materials or utensils contaminated with the body fluids of an infected person.
Preventing Ebola in the workplace:
Employers should collaborate with health authorities in the prevention and control of the Ebola outbreak. Healthcare workers are at the greatest risk and a special page has been posted for those work environments. Here are some resources to help you prepare:
- Healthcare Workers Prevention webpage
- Employer Ebola emergency planning checklist
- OSHA Ebola guidance webpage
Preventing Ebola in the workplace measures do not have to be overkill. Maintain good personal hygiene including hand hygiene, wash with liquid soap and water especially before touching your eyes, nose or mouth, before eating. Be mindful of surfaces like toilets, escalator handrails, elevator control panels, door knobs etc. Make sure to clean these surfaces with a bleach solution as recommended. Also, work with your facilities department or cleaning contractor to ensure that common use surfaces are cleaned thoroughly and often.
Returning travelers are the primary concern. Affected countries are requested to conduct exit medical screening of all persons at international airports, ports and major land crossings for unexplained febrile illness consistent with potential Ebola infection. Those travelers returning from other areas should be notified of the symptoms and asked to be alert to their surfacing within 21 days after return. If symptoms occur they should call the department of health rather than going to the local health care facility.
It is important that employers remember the ADA’s prohibition on disability related inquiries. Employers may ask employees about a medical condition only if the injury is job related and consistent with business necessity. An employer’s inquiries may not be based solely on suspicions about an employee’s exposure to Ebola. Employers must keep all medical information confidential and should make every effort to keep the identity of an employee infected with Ebola confidential. At the same time the employers needs to take the step necessary to prevent the spread of the disease. This goes for any employees who may have symptoms or may have been exposed to the disease.
If an employee is diagnosed with Ebola, the medical privacy of the infected employee should be honored. Employers should seek guidance with counsel and follow the direction of the public health department. There will need to be communication with other employees for the protection of their health and safety.
Preventing Ebola in the workplace