Resolving Conflict
If there is one thing that we can learn from human history, it is that conflict in any instance, is more or less inevitable. In fact, it can be said that conflict is what opens the path to a new age for mankind. It is often in the aftermath of conflict, that the dust settles and we see the most clear view of the road behind us that we understand the need for change.
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The Value of Good Employees
When it comes to business, there is one rule that has always been true for both ends of the spectrum. Rather it is the business owner, or the customer buying from them, the fact remains, you get what you pay for. For a customer, the more you pay, the better the quality of the product. On the other hand, a business owner is spending money on a slightly different product. They are spending money on someone’s time and skills.
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Avoid Discrimination in Payroll
If you have been keeping an eye on current events, you will know that discrimination is a major issue that many American’s are actively involved with. Discrimination, or the act of negatively treating another person because of race, religion, sexuality, or social standing, has been present for as long as anyone can remember, and has been the grounds for major lawsuits that have been filed against both people and businesses in the past.
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When to Give an Employee a Raise
The human mind is a fascinating thing, doing more work than we can possibly imagine and much more than we ever think about. The conscious part of the mind that controls our decision making abilities is itself controlled by many forms of biases operating both in the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind , many of which we never realize are even there.
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Daytona Beach Retirement Planning
Let’s take a moment and consider a concept that we often overlook. There are over seven billion people alive on our world right now, and that means with each minute, over 7 billion different possibilities are all happening simultaneously. That is a lot of different outcomes to imagine, and each one is just as unpredictable as the other. There are 1,440 minutes in a day, and 365 days in a year.
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The Proper Employee Handbook
One of the most vital inventions of mankind is the written language. You can verbally tell a story a thousand times, and a thousand details in it could change. Write the story down however, and the story will survive unchanged and unaltered. Some written language dates back as far as 3,200 B.C., and has been the foundation for civilization ever since. Even in today’s world, one dominated by technology,
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Issues Surrounding Final Paychecks
When an employee leaves your company, the complicated issue of the final paycheck arises. And how your company handles the check depends on state and federal laws, which can make it difficult for businesses operating in more than one state to come up with a uniform nationwide policy. State laws generally determine the timing of final paychecks based on whether the employee was fired, laid off, or quit.
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All-in-One Outsourcing
Do you remember being impressed because you could buy a TV that came with a DVD player installed into it, or the first time you watched a full video on an MP3 player? Thanks to this “All-in-One” style pattern of design, not just our technology is changing, the evolution of business, entertainment, and life
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A wise mouse once repeatedly said that “It’s a small world after all”. Little did this wise mouse know the truth this statement would grow into. In the time that the song “It’s a Small World After All”, was written, the world was a very different place.
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Human Resources: Ins and Outs
No great battle was ever won by people running around in circles, wondering where to go. Can you imagine how long the American Revolution would have lasted if the minutemen and the redcoats both had no idea what they were supposed to do? No General to keep them organized? We would have had two armies running around hoping they eventually bumped into each other.
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