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Guarding Against Unauthorized Overtime

One risk that employers face is the unauthorized overtime trap. What can a business do when some employees seem compelled to work overtime, even when the employer has told them not to? Keep reading to examine several choices.

Guarding Against Unauthorized Overtime

An employer is frustrated because employees are working overtime and ignoring the employer’s request not to do so. Here’s how the employer describes the situation:

Q. “I have a recurring problem regarding employees working overtime. Some employees will arrive early, stay late or maybe take a short lunch break. I have told them I do not want them to work more than 40 hours.

“I even issued a memo telling my employees unless overtime was authorized in advance it would not be paid. Nothing keeps this problem from reoccurring. The surprising part is, the employees who do this are some of my best employees. How do I avoid this unwanted overtime?”

The Answer? Read more […]