HR: Used to having this resource but now find yourself without it ?
Now you may find yourself owning or managing a smaller business where the expertise of HR is missing or being juggled between staff members or an employee who is wearing the HR hat, but might not have the complete skill set or the time to do it right.
Used to having this resource but now find yourself without it ?
Have you ever worked at a company that had an HR (Human Resource) or Personnel department? Answers were always right around the corner in the HR department. Although the answers were not always the one you wanted to hear, you had a resource that could resolve questions and keep the company in check when it came to employment law, policies and procedures, benefits, payroll, workers compensation, unemployment and employee issues.
Now you may find yourself owning or managing a smaller business where the expertise of HR is missing or being juggled between staff or an employee, who is wearing the HR hat, but might not have the complete skill set or the time to do it right.
This is the exact situation where Vision HR can impact your business the most. How?
Vision HR is a single portal vendor that has seasoned and licensed experts in HR to quickly impact your HR program, ensure compliance, surround your staff with knowledge and execute vital HR procedures ongoing. You will not only improve your work place environment, but increase productivity and profitability by reducing the amount of time you spend on employee related tasks.Just because your not as large as the company that had a fully functional HR department does not exempt your business from following the same employment law. Vision HR helps you get where you need to be without having to hire the expertise on your staff.